More fighting ahead in Kherson Mykoliav

Our Mission’s Aid Delivery Footprint again appearing in News Headlines

July 29 reports indicate that the southern combat zone, which is where our Mission Team was based as recent as July 22nd, is now one of the War’s most active areas, as Russia sends in more troops, equipment, and supplies.

Ukrainian officials referred to our Mission Team as being “the tip of the spear” because we would go where humanitarian and medical aid was needed the most, which was in the active combat zones and specifically where Russian troops had only very recently withdrawn from – but this new information indicates that the Russians want that territory back.

With this latest news indicating that greater conflict is expected in the Kherson-Mykoliav region in the coming weeks, this troubling news makes our aid delivery all the more important for these desperate Ukrainian villagers, as they again face an uncertain future.

The green circle indicates the region where our Mission delivered aid last week.  This July 29th news indicates that this area will see increased fighting in the coming days.  Our thoughts and prayers are with these imperiled villagers and soldiers.

This new reporting illustrates just how fluid the combat action is along this southern/western front of the War.  Less than two weeks ago, Ukrainian officials had determined that since Russian forces had just been driven from these towns and villages after nearly a month of occupation, that the Ukrainians living here had the greatest need for humanitarian aid.

Our Mission responded by volunteering to go into this combat zone to deliver aid to these villagers and the soldiers encamped along The Zero Line.  In all we delivered more than two tons of aid to six villages, three military encampments and one Field Hospital.

It appears from this new reporting that these villagers’ reprieve from Russian occupation may be threatened, as these new Russian troops and equipment could be in preparation for another military action to regain control of this region.  An alternative scenario is being circulated however, where this Russian reinforcement is instead intended to bolster the Russian’s defensive capabilities to prevent the Ukrainians from continuing to gain control of even more villages in this region.

Either way, please keep these imperiled villagers and soldiers in your thoughts and prayers.